What does homeschooling look like?
It looks like LOVE
Children bask in the time Mom spends with them, and what better way to spend time than learning and discovering together? Love is spelled “t-i-m-e”.
It looks like FUN
Exploration, books, science experiments, art experiences, projects….what’s not to like?!
Curiosity is a hallmark of childhood. Children are known for “Why is the sky blue?” and a million other questions. It is very satisfying to get those questions answered. We live in a day when the internet allows us to instantly find answers! We have looked through a webcam on the internet at an arctic snowfield where meteorites are hitting the earth regularly! We have seen a picture of a real giant squid, something that was unknown for centuries! We’ve oohed and ahhed over the fabulous photographs of the nebulas in space. So much to learn!
It isn’t just children that get their curiosity satisfied in homeschool! I have a college degree, but I have learned far, far more homeschooling my children!
It looks like CONTENTMENT
Ahhh…my children all around me, time to delve into learning, time to explore and learn and try things. If homeschooling is going right, you will all feel rich contentment!
Life is good!
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