My daughters, Louisa and Emily
Independence Day is one of my favorites holidays, because of the wonderful feelings of patriotism we get thinking about our country’s miraculous founding, the courage of our founding fathers, and the freedoms we enjoy every day! It is up to us to keep that love of freedom burning bright in the next generation.
Here’s just a few things a parent can do:
Kids need to know our national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner”, plus other stirring, patriotic songs like “This is My Country” and “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. Sing with your kids and they’ll pick them up amazingly fast. Here’s a fun website I discovered that lets you listen to the song, and provides lyrics as well.
*Read stories of the founders’ courage
One of my favorite is the story of Paul Revere. We all know about the man who rode frantically to warn the colonists of the coming British. What is little known is that once that night ride was over, he was a wanted man and was continually having to dodge the British and had little peace. Here’s another inspiring story to read to your kids about how George Washington couldn’t be shot off his horse in battle.
*Pledge allegiance to the flag
I don’t think kids get this opportunity much anymore and I think they really need to “pledge” what they have allegiance to, including God, family and country. We pledge our flag every day in homeschool and it gives us a chance to stop and think. I often mention to my children to make sure the flag is reverenced and never touches the ground when they are handling it for our pledge, because people gave their lives for our freedom and to ensure that our flag still waves.
God bless America!
P.S. My daughter Emily has a 5th of July birthday. (I went into labor with her during the fireworks on the 4th!) Emily always manages to think of a creative way to celebrate the birthday she shares with our nation. Your daughters might have fun decorating their toes too!
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