Getting eaten by a dinosaur, my daughters Emily and Louisa at a science museum field trip.
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed with the thought of homeschooling? Are you considering this lifestyle change? Have you just made the decision to homeschool and wonder how to jump in to this adventure?
I think we all struggle to juggle all our duties as mom, wife, homeschool teacher, good neighbor,church member, housekeeper, and more. As you catch the vision of homeschooling, it gets lots easier and the fun will outweigh the “overwhelm”.
Come with me and build your homeschool from “survival” to “super”! Each day can get better. Nobody gets there overnight. It takes practice to learn to homeschool well. I’ve been at it for 25+ years and finally feel very comfy in my teacher’s “hat”. . . and suddenly I’m running out of kids to homeschool! I would feel it a privilege and an honor to be a part of strengthening your family and your homeschool!
I am going to give you some easy little assignments, but if you take them seriously, you’ll notice a difference in the climate of your homeschool immediately. It will get happier. More fun. You’ll enjoy your children more. They will think homeschooling sounds like a great idea.
We’ll eventually work on: setting up a schedule, creating a teaching plan, disciplining and getting respect for mom as teacher, motivating kids to happily do their work, making teaching and learning fun, and more.
We’ll go with easy steps. You’ll see that YOU CAN DO IT!
The rewards?
*getting to know and like and love your kids
*learning something yourself (I have a college degree but I definitely learned what I know in homeschool, notin college!)
*greater family unity
*teens who listen to your advice because they’ve grown up respecting you
*academic excellence of which you will be amazed!
*more mature kids who are not so prone to peer pressure
*stronger faith in God
*upbeat happiness in your home!
YOU CAN DO IT! Your love for your child makes you the most qualified teacher.
Ready for Homeschooling Assignment #1?
P.S. As soon as you do Homeschooling Assignment #1 , you can move on to #2, and so forth. Just don’t overwhelm yourself. One assignment a week will do, or you can plan to do a few a week. I just don’t want you getting stressed and feeling like you have to do more and more. You are already doing quite a bit, just to be involved in homeschooling (whether you are considering it, just starting, or “keeping on”). So, try to add one assignment at a time until you and your family feel the benefit and think you want more.
Laugh with Me
I just explained a writing assignment to my darling daughter Louisa who is 8 years old. The assignment said, “Describe a family problem and give your advice how to solve it”.
Louisa responded with great enthusiasm, “Oh, that’s easy! We have LOTS of family problems!”
Out of the mouth of babes. . . .
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